How to improve your self image
Last week I replied one of the members' question on how to improve your self image. If you haven't read the article, you can do so at days later, I receive an email from Ted and he shared with me one more important point. Please see his sharing below:
(Continue reading to see my views on his sharing.)
----------------------------From Ted------------------------------
Fantastic response.
Here is also something else that works for me. As with you, I feel that low self esteem is a very serious problem in today’s world. When I have those moments, which can at times last for days, I find solace in the Christian principle that each and every one of us are created in His Image. How can we not feel good about ourselves if in fact we truly believe in this truth. All of us have true worth, wed are all part of something much bigger.
Have a great day. We readers truly appreciate all that you do for us.
Warmest regards,
-----------------------From Me----------------------------
You are absolutely right! I do something similar. I followed the advice from Dr.Vitale, which is telling myself “I’m God”.
(By the way, before I forget, Dr. Vitale has just released an amazingly simple method to manifest a car. Read more at
You see,
If I’m God, will I be depressed? No!
If I’m God, will I be impatient? No! (God has been patient enough to wait for his children to grow and learn the truth.)
If I’m God, will there be things I can’t achieve? No!
Now, let me clarify here. By saying I’m God, I’m NOT saying I’m better than God. Please don’t think I’m some ego freak.
The truth of things is we are part of God. We are one, with God.
Some of you may ask, if I’m God, I’ll have lots of money, I’ll have lots of this and lots of that.
Well, think about it. Does God really want all these? The answer is a big NO! He wants His people to be happy. He wants His people to live the fullest life.
I once heard an interview with a multi-millionaire and this was what he said, "I don't need millions. All I need is a simple meal, which doesn't cost much to me. What motivates me is my desire to add more values to this world, to see my products being used by people from all walks of life."
To your success,